one side of my brain: gotta marry claude
the other side of my brain, louder: IGNATZ IGNATZ IGNATZ

2635 6679

365 days INA-year 🦊🐺
day 256!
my brain: maybe you should draw the others, since october is gonna be just twins
also my brain: yes but atsumu

12 27

nice person: I think you are neat and your art is good :>
me: :)
my brain:

0 6

Me: trying to browse twitter

Me: Sees really cute art

Brain: Immediately replaces an item of clothing with my oc clothing

Me: Wh..why are you like this?

Brain: Makes this happen for every cute girl on my timeline

Me: Oh I see you want me to suffer

Brain: You are fabric


1 33

my brain: if u don’t post new art every single day, even if it’s a wip crop, you will d i e

7 78

my 12 yrs old brain: "I always want to draw anime!"
my hand:

17 75

Join the special Love Your Brain Session: ‘The beauty of the brain: a journey in pictures’. Is starts at 12.45 in The Bubble. .

1 4

[ boun anima ] ahhh I should make fanart of the case and write a monothea post
brain: ellie said winter maybe
hands: taking over control

0 15

kh3 remind dlc: sora vs xigbar
my brain:

1582 4173

Head to The Bubble now for the Love Your Brain session ‘Being in the brain: the neuroscience behind meditation, through theory and practice’.

0 2

Friend: Why are u laughing?
Me: nothing.
My brain:

0 0

my brain: draw with a mouse,that'll totally be fun and enjoyable

0 1

Simple, silly, and perfectly suited for its audience, Chick and Brain: Smell My Foot! will get kids reading!

1 1

me, about to sleep:
brain: what if shulk has a rex costume in the remake

6 104

Me: I wanna draw a cowboy!
My brain: but it's actually a tentacle

0 2

(me trying 2 cool down for the night)
brain: dimitri fire emblem
me: no
brain: dimitri fire emblem.... girl
me: im listening
brain n me at the same time: DIMITRI FIRE EMBLEM GIRL WITH ABS

2 8

Me: abt to have a breakdown

My brain: draw gore

1 3

My brain: Never-ending Trigun OP 😳
*This will probably be a 3 in double sided charm!

3 5

normal brain: give ur gf a bouquet

galaxy brain: ur gf is the bouquet 💐

good to u all
i love haru so much

366 1105

me, opening image search: draw some fanart!
my brain: she,,, her,,,,,,,,,,?? buh.

24 95