Starting to order a few small batches of prints for 2020 conventions and art fairs. Excited to see how some of these Drawtober pieces do. I'm particularly fond of my little gourd dragon.

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Some button designs I made for fun. What do you all think? I wanna make them and sell them on Etsy and at conventions. C:

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Happy Holidays everyone!
Our next guest is none other that KrazyKari!
She Literally eats and sleeps cosplay and conventions, always making new outfits related to the colorful horse characters and colorful NOT HORSES (EG) All thanks to the help of coffee and Jo-Ann Fabrics Coupons

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BUTTON DESIGNS for future conventions! :D
Guzma, El and Hau with their partner pokemon!

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Man, it has been a crazy year.
Want to thank the hundreds of werewolves I drew this year at sooooooo many conventions this year! Here’s hoping everyone has a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to one and all!

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2 more “warm-up” sketch covers for sale at conventions in 2020! Starlord and Winter Soldier!

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For the first time in my years of going to furry conventions I finally get a badge that is not of my wolf. Lazward, my FFXIV character, gets the massive spotlight in my line of badges. Thanks to the awesome for making him look amazing! Hrothgars for the win!

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⭐️Space Girl⭐️ this print is only available at conventions!!

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2014: I got serious about conventions this year! I also started my tattoo apprenticeship after these were created, so fun art production slowed down

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Hello! I do ref sheets, traditional/digital artwork, door signs/badges for conventions, etc. You can find my commission info here
DM me! 💕

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My art from the beginning (2012ish) of the decade to the end. I can't believe how far I had come only to feel like I took a step back to the start at the end. Here's to the next decade where I gain it all back and leap further on ahead in my process and do conventions

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Heute habe ich 3 Bilder fertig bekommen. =w= Während ich an dem hier gearbeitet habe, kam mir ein anderes Motiv in den Kopf. OTL Eventuell mache ich eine kleine limitierte Auflage von zum Tauschen für Conventions.

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2019. I think I went to 4 conventions this year? I drew two cover for two novels, became too queer to be marketable (?), and drew when I felt like it. And I gamed a bunch.

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2018. I went to like 8 anime conventions all year. I spent a lot of time drawing You Were Always By Me on webtoons:

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2017. I spent most of my time drawing comics. Chapter 5 of The Herder Witch is my favorite one. I went to 10 anime conventions and tabled at SPX for the first time ever.

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2016. I allowed myself to draw things I want to draw. I went to 17 conventions because I needed time off to work on The Herder Witch. I lost touch with a bunch of people bc I stopped using facebook regularly.

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2015. It was an awesome year. I went to 27 conventions this year. I met a lot of fans of shows I like + told those people about my comic.

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2013. I gave up on employment and went to conventions full time. It was a fun change for me, and I met a lot of fans of shows I had liked in the past.

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twitter says DMing you isn't an option so I'll just wave at you here. I'm Shadra, a traditional artist who is open for commissions. I've done work for conventions (Furthemore and Tinypaws Con) for con badges, convention booklet art, and more

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Finished inking and colouring in this bad boi to become an enamel pin for 2020 conventions.

Hopefully I'll get to draw more digimon once my older stuff is cleared out.

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