Quick little relaxation peace of Lakeshine

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Bewildered Lakeshine for the week of the Lakeshine
Time for facts: her name in russian localization sounds like Светловодная (Svetlovodnaia) - Svetlo (Light)+vodnaia(water)

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Lakeshine for warrior of the week! I like this girl now too much, may do some more Lakeshine art now...

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Made a bluestar for (what do you mean it's sunday?)
I saw someone on here suggest that leader's forehead star markings could be scars instead and I really liked that idea!!
Might make more of those in the futur!👀

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The is Bluestar! She used to be my favorite leader, and I still believe that her character arc was one of the most complex, even if some of her decisions were not very wise.

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did a quick doodle of bluestar on my phone for

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I wasn't even thinking to draw something with the cat of the week, I was just doodling


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My fav character, Bluestar!
I updated my 2018 design cause I didn’t like the general shape of it.
I gave her tears in her ear and baggy eyes cause that’s how I see her especially in her “I hate Starclan” phase.
Love this gal

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ok fixed it and added like 300 things to this lol
yeah i could never forgive myself if i didnt draw bluestar for so
itttssss bluestraw

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also i don't think i've posted my designs on twitter yet! trying to emulate the feel of gruesome 80s animated animal movies with it. also featuring a bluestar for

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