That BS&T video remake was quite inspiring
a falling angel expectation vs reality

282 476

I just had to do cat Yoongi after that BS&T remake I just HAD TO

232 438

yoonjin out here looking like a married couple 💐💐💐💐

458 831

I love yoonjin sooooo much😭😭😭

555 824

จริงๆแล้ววาดพี่จีซองไว้เยอะแยะเลยล่ะค่ะ เอาไว้จะค่อยๆทยอยลงนะ

157 62

이제 그만 다 그칠까
이 빗물도 내 눈물도
*open full size for night version*

24 9

Classmates .. © Patu Phan 051817 | Please ask/credit if you use my work! ♡ I'm on IG & tumblr

171 245