[FA] Yum Yum!! Chocolate Cookied B1A4 ♡♡ with CNU's friend :P

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B1A4 STICKERS: Set A Sample
Set costs $5!
watermarks sure are ugly, but necessary!

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【塗鴉】#gongdeul 念書去( ¯•ω•¯ )

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半夜異想天開XDDDD應援板 ➙應援萌芽棒ㅋㅋ 等到你們真的要再來臺灣,第二次就做這個吧,然後丟上台ㅎㅎ

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공찬오빠 오늘 하루도 잘 지내셨나요?
일도 힘들었겠죠>_<

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i think, this fanart when B1A4 held a fansign, right?? By: parishin ..

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900일 축하합니다 900일축하합니다 사랑하는 B1A4~♥ 900일 축하합니다♥

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【FA】B1A4 LIVE 2013 17th August!!

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A drawing of Sandeul! It's late but Congratulations! 산들씨! 첨 늦있지만 축하합니다!

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B1A4 Tried to walk drawings! Drew this awhile back :).

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Questa fanart dei B1A4 è bellissima ;;

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[PHOTO] 130509 Fanart B1A4 ^^ very funny

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