these are so cool, i did some ai thingies of yoshimi, and its great, these are rad

2 6

I used to generate new Calobi profile pictures

2 19

So I put pictures of Gen through and AI and these results are horrifying

5 8

Decided to try feeding some images of Love Live characters to generate new ones

16 58

Now! Introducing new CARETAKER Brand Thalassin Double Plus! Experience all your favorite burning memories once again in these new, expanded emotional palettes. Refunds not available.

14 105

Thalassin+++! Ai. AI did this. BUY NOW

33 306

I have been delivered a fresh batch of Thalassin++™ Emotions, computer generated FRESH for you! Spectacular work, Anonymous Fan!

46 448

I had a bit of fun with the today. Random AI generated images are always mildly disturbing.

1 7

i have been sent some New AI Generated Emotions from an anonymous fan

128 1335

このツール 用の2DからのDepth作成に使えますね。試しにやってみたのですが、割としっかりと凹凸感を作ってくれますね(Photoshopなりで1枚の画像にまとめないといけないですが)。

4 16

Been using LookingGlassAI like it's a new toy

31 286

More AI stuff. Trained on some of my sketches. bottom left goes fuckin hard tho

5 18

put the noroi poster through and im losing my mind

4 23

None of these heroes exist... made with by

4 31

I put the morenatsu cast into that thing and it created abominations

15 36