Love this ZX Spectrum... coming in to land? Looks like it could be an ELO album cover 😎👍

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It's Fridayyy! Aww, Yeah! Fox likes it!

13 13

Tears of Avia Is for the Tactical RPG Fans out There, via

6 5

When I beat a boss and my health is below 10 percent.

8 6

From 1984, it's Microsphere's Skool Daze for the ZX Spectrum.

19 19

beautiful & action packed martial arts game is coming from & , ''Tengu''

3 2

Released in the UK in 1999, it's the amazing Wipeout 3 (Wip3out) for the PS1.

24 30

Explore the cards starter decks will entail! First off the Feral Armadillian!

7 2

The PE358 Emulator has to be the cutest handheld ever!

29 35

To celebrate The Legend of Zelda, lets see all of it's

16 28

Check out Justin Buonvino's 3D renders of classic NES titles!

103 127

The Last Ninja Redux - C64 hit game PC remake update video!

9 13