I love 's Vampyr AU, especially Augustus...

24 110

В перерывах между ремонтом и работой в муках родился кроссовер рид900 и Бегущего по лезвию 2049

Репликант-полицейский Эр (Рид) и его спутник, система Richard - ии-голограмма.

Все очень грустно.

83 388

всёж запощу и сюда, а то чет вконаче не особо зашло :0

0 6

rk800 and rk900 units with glasses p l e a s e

Also the logo redesigns by !

711 2477

I finished detroit become human recently and i have so many feelings for it!!! Have a

9 40

Human AU? Twin brothers Connor and Nines. I know that they have same height but I just want to draw Nines taller o)-(

408 1428

I need to drawing something to relax.
It's too busy in latest 2 days.😰

I am glad my work is not about painting arts full day, otherwise I must be angry to die for my bad quality.

176 558

If Gavin is a high school student and RK900 is his teacher

250 922

christening the new account with some wholesome concon content!
happy bday connor, i hope u had a pleasant day 💙

142 335

Thank you kittenbloodcoffee for this commission fanart! Detroit: Become Human RK800+RK900, made for iPhone wallpaper, hope you all enjoy! ^w^>

3 15

Обнимашки глава 60 ! sketches 🍓 💗🎁

108 362

Mission ▪︎ Beach

These charms are up on my store ! ➤ https://t.co/0gU7rBIFrq
I'm really really happy with these !!! So glad that the holo and translucent effect turned out so well uwaaaaa😇😇😇😇 RTs appreciated !

32 75

Come on RK900 you know it isn’t easy for him to ask for help ...

73 262