Debating if I should post this on FA or not but here is some FF7 fan art :D
he's a Shinra Soldier ♥

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That's right, it's August 14, the day on which grumpy little protagonist was born, so... Happy(?) Birthday, Raiko-chan!

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Birthday gift i did for <3 Celty and Shinra!

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The Steam sale continues for a couple more days! If you're still looking for a murder to solve, is 30% off!

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If you ever wondered what this part in was all about...

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Weekly blog post Learn more about our new project no Kizuna

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I really adore this song. It's so fun to listen plus EoSD Extra Stage arrange!
【東方Vocal/Rock】 〇✕△□ 「Shinra-Bansho」

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Today is the Shinra-Bansho time and certain translator going to love these =)!
【東方Vocal/Rock】 かぜのいろ 「Shinra-Bansho」

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A grumpy little chibi Raiko by , who's still open for commissions: Consider taking a look!

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"Why the long face?"
"And why do you seem to be enjoying it?"
가끔은 레노가 까칠해보는 것도 재밌겠어서. 와 간만의 낙서다...

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romo/plat - shinran: I BLAME SAPPH but srsly they're rlly cute and such good friends i want them to be happy again please

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