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117 - Seadra
Type: Water
The male raises the young. If it is approached, it uses its toxic spikes to fend off the intruder.
116 - Horsea
Type: Water
When they're in a safe location, they can be seen playfully tangling their tails together.
115 - Kangaskhan
Type: Normal
To avoid crushing the baby it carries in its pouch, it always sleeps standing up.
113 - Chansey
Type: Normal
People try to catch it for its extremely nutritious eggs, but it rarely can be found.
112 - Rhyhorn
Type: Ground/Rock
By lightly spinning its drill-like horn, it can easily shatter even a diamond in the rough.
111 - Rhyhorn
Type: Ground/Rock
It can remember only one thing at a time. Once it starts rushing, it forgets why it started.
110 - Weezing
Type: Poison
When it inhales poisonous gases from garbage, its body expands, and its insides smell much worse.
109 - Koffing
Type: Poison
If one gets close enough to it when it expels poisonous gas, the gas swirling inside it can be seen.
108 - Lickitung
Type: Normal
It has a tongue that is over 6’6’’ long. It uses this long tongue to lick its body clean.
107 - Hitmonchan
Type: Fighting
To increase the strength of all its punch moves, it spins its arms just before making contact.
106 - Hitmonlee
Type: Fighting
It is also called the Kick Master. It uses its elastic legs to execute every known kick.
105 - Marowak
Type: Ground
Somewhere in the world is a cemetery just for MAROWAK. It gets its bones from those graves.
104 - Cubone
Type: Ground
It lost its mother after its birth. It wears its mother's skull, never revealing its true face.
103 - Exeggutor
Type: Grass/Psychic
Living in a good environment makes it grow lots of heads. A head that drops off becomes an EXEGGCUTE.
102 - Exeggcute
Type: Grass/Psychic
If even one is separated from the group, the energy bond between the six will make them rejoin instantly.
101 - Electrode
Type: Electric
The more energy it charges up, the faster it gets. But this also makes it more likely to explode.
100 - Voltorb
Type: Electric
During the study of this POKéMON, it was discovered that its components are not found in nature.
99 - Kingler
Type: Water
Its oversized claw is very powerful, but when it's not in battle, the claw just gets in the way.
98 - Krabby
Type: Water
If it is unable to find food, it will absorb nutrients by swallowing a mouthful of sand.
97 - Hypno
Type: Psychic
The longer it swings its pendulum, the longer the effects of its hypnosis last.