You can now find SHINRAI on Steam Greenlight:

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On a sidenote, the Project Zero games have also been a big influence for many things I've worked on, even SHINRAI.

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Here's a pic of Nobara to go along with the one of Raiko I posted a while ago

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And, of course, posting this here, too. A pic of our grumpy little detective Raiko

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Also, some of the newer sprite variations for chapter 3: people being shocked!

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Who will you accuse of being the culprit? One of your classmates? Your best friend? Or even yourself?

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The first Notebook Entry for the "Clues & Evidence" section is titled "Locked Rooms"

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Well, and this... looks like Kotoba is biting into the end of Mika's scythe, lol

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Here's a couple screenshots I made during beta testing

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A little late depending on the timezone, but nevertheless: Happy White Day!

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Okay, so the investigation menu will look something like this in the actual game

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Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

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