don't really know what to say that hasn't already been said, but i'm not going to stay quiet.

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i am doing donation commissions! donate to any of the blm organizations in my bio, message me proof, and i’ll draw you a fully illustrated bust of anyone/anything (like the drawing below!) ❤️

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Black lives matter. This world is falling apart by the day & something needs to be done otherwise this world is gonna be turned upside down once this has been settled. That's my two cents when it comes to what's going on right now. Stay safe my dudes ✌❤

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As I do in times of crisis, I’m sitting here at home watching old episodes of The Muppet Show to calm my nerves. While I’m doing that, if you send me a receipt for a donation to a group or bail fund, I’ll draw something for you. Stay safe and strong, everybody.

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I have a lot of thoughts, not a lot of answers. But this is how I feel.

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An old set of sketches that are sadly still relevant in this day in age. Be safe, do right and stay strong.

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Extending this! I am offering a high res no watermark version of this picture I made of Storm to anyone who DMs/comments at me and shares that they have donated to ANY organization supporting the BLM protests!

Please share, and

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I'll be doing donation sketches! You can get one for $20+ to any of the causes listed here:

Please DM me to discuss details first, then a timestamped donation screenshot if everything is good. I'll do what I can!

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It is a shame that there is still so much violence and discrimination still present in the world we are living in. We must not forget that and we must be accepting, tolerant, and kind to all. 💖

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