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【次回告知】20200202「GirlsLoveFestival29」「アイ☆FES20/Lilium Idol Garden08」東京浅草・都産貿台東館
10月初旬オンライン受付開始 12月中旬〆切の予定です。
https://t.co/MsJ70pr3iy #LIG #GLFes #iFes#DOUJIN2020 #DJ2020賛同イベント #GLFes
Killua Zoldyck #12200203
1220 = Hunter x Hunter
02 = Character Number 2
03 = Version 3 of this character
Well I guess we will never know what V1 killua was but here we are at version 3, there are still some interesting gaps in the HxH logs to look forward too
今更ながら富山富雄(32)(@ Tomy20020309 )とコラボしてました……
illust*リッ㌧さん(@ ritton_011 )