
i dont think amelia would be able to take it if she went through another elimination without getting eliminated, i think

30 131

Cave exploring... isn't that one heck of a dangerous job?

16 74

a couple of one drawings

23 77

They may be suffering but at least theyre suffering together <3

25 100

Why is this wholesome 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

3 35

Had to reupload due to account issues. Heres some simple doodles for ONE 4!

18 86

// eye strain , bright colors

abstracty fanart O_O (also folder theyre friends now)

27 80

Scenty! Don't fall over! (Retweets would be appreciated for this! I spent quite some time on it)

60 203

trying to design a human magazine 💔💔💔 its so hard im so sad

1 9

SANS APPAREL /j /j /j /j

moldy my beloved

19 66

episodes thumbnail is Stone with 3 triangle "walls" around him. the episodes called 4: walls. assuming its "fourth wall" wordplay then were the fourth wall stones looking at/breaking. the note of the votes being fake was for us

22 59

appreciate her

25 139

last supper
Made in ms paint

33 128

I just wanted to use this tag👀

54 188