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Mogeko March day 5 - The Gray Garden
my first doodle contribution to the drawing marathon. I actually had something way bigger in mind but couldn't get it done in time.
Mogeko March Day 5 The gray garden
Chelan is a cutie, I love her design soooo much and I wanted to try this palette with her
#mogekomarch #mogekomarch2018 #thegraygarden #funamusea #海底囚人 #cartoon
Mogeko March Day 4 Wadanohara and the great blue sea
I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH, itis my first funamusea game and it is SO good. Lobster daddy was one of my fave characters of the game
#mogekomarch #mogekomarch2018 #watgbs #wadanohara #funamusea #海底囚人 #cartoon
Mogeko March day 3: "Poison Bugs"
May I present the three cutest characters: Tefuko, Mitsuki, and Ico!
Mogeko March Day 3 Poison Bugs
Mogeko march is being so much fun! I drew Odea because I love his design
#mogekomarch #mogekomarch2018 #poisonbugs #funamusea #海底囚人 #cartoon
mogeko march 2 (i will take every opportunity to draw best-worst-boy)
Mogeko March Day 2 Ice Scream
Yukisada you cute owl
#mogekomarch #海底囚人 #mogekomarch2018 #funamusea
Mogeko March Day One: Obsolete Dream
Kurotsuno is a qt
#funamusea #海底囚人
Mogeko March day 1 Obsolete Dream
Whiny demon dad~
Funamusea has been a huge inspiration to me (probably the biggest along bryan lee O'malley) and doing mogeko march is my way to honor them
#mogekomarch #海底囚人 #mogekomarch2018 #funamusea
#funamusea #mogeko #okegom #idate #deepseaprisoner #icescream its never too late for valentine~
late pic for valentines day... I've been sick recently but drawing these two is still a lot of fun...
#digitalart #mogeko #etihw #kcalb #thegraygarden
@HentaiGirlSRS i will make sure to study Mogeko's style so i can the people i know in that style because it should be fun drawing interpretations of people i talk to. Nataka Kurokawa reminds me of you (the second photo) but I am not sure if your hair is a bob but I will do the best I can
"Don't be fooled by their appearance. They may look cute, but they're crazy, obsessive and very violent."
#reficul #TheGrayGarden #thegraygarden #funamusea #mogeko #okegom #deepseaprisoner i drew reficul @funamusea 💕💕💕
#Kuroha #DarkKonoha #SnakeOfClearingEyes #KagerouProject #DeepSeaPrisoner #Mogeko
Kuroha from Kagepro in Deep-Sea Prisoner's art style
Me desenhei nos estilos dos meus criadores de RPG MAKER favoritos <3
Charon. Mogeko, Sen (mad father) ♥