One day I’m going to slap some self-esteem into him I swear
(Yes I’m in my feels ignore me)

4 13

A fighter stands at the edge of a jagged precipice. Armed with her blade, she is ready to pay any price to reclaim the honor which was once hers.

Shadesteel has arrived:

20 116

two games I have hold in deep into my heart are surprisingly two indie pixel art games.
reason is one for having a challenge and a fascinating story of self esteem and one being a game in which I felt personal due to its amazing environment and depth i felt in. i love em so much!

0 2

oh my god. he looks like he doesn't know what's going on but it's okay bc he's cute. genki but with self-esteem issues. I feel like he was bullied & that makes me mad.
real good at hitting balls.
is the peacemaker when his friends fight.

0 13

🌸 Fawn: EP.
18. Really sweet and bubbly but has horrid self esteem issues. Seems to like this account a lot. Wants to be loved by everyone but also feels undeserving. Loves pastels + cute girly stuff. Her hair is brown to rose pink ombre rn!
Demisexual biromantic, she/her

1 8

My self-esteem plummeting every .2 second

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ゆきあり合同誌『Esteem and...』は3月15日に神戸国際展示場で開催されるシンデレラ☆ステージ 8stepで頒布します!
スペースは ”世-18” です!

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“Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

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ESTEE LAUDERのさなちゃんイイ女過ぎて良い匂いしてくる(混乱)

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i'd like to remind yall what my first portrait looked like 1 year and a half ago its good for my self esteem ty

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Wrapping up with final touches on the WorldBuild pre-alpha update so I can share with esteemed early players ( 👈if minimalist games are your jam).

A good time to update the placeholder app icon, and a great time to reflect!

Before, meet after😃

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A couple of commissions done of the requestee's kids as mermaids.
You'd think by now I'd be a master at drawing mermaids.

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So I guess everyone is doing this right now? Aight, I guess no harm can come of this!

Except to my self esteem after all the "ugly beard" comments... ;~;

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hey ho here she goes
Either a little too high or a little too low
Got no self-esteem and vertigo
Cause she thinks she's made of candy!!

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If you folks haven't checked out 'Daughter of the Lilies' by
then you seriously should. Drippingly gorgeous art, a beautiful study on self-esteem, and a wonderfully classic-feeling fantasy world!

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Giorno’s poses reflect his newfound self-esteem. He’d read his mother’s old magazines and study the models’ poses. He tried many times alone in secret feeling silly at first until he got more confident. Then one day he was like ‘nailed it’.

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May I offer Sir / Madam / Esteemed Comrade a cheerful art print in these trying times?

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local necromancer finds out that he may have been matri-homied with esteemed cultivator

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Hi, I'm a Polish enby with low self-esteem who somehow found themselves deep in the "drawing pokemon" hole but I swear I can also draw other things!

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shitty kitty esteem I care u

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