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Looks like our apes ate something a little….moldy 🦠👀

How we feelin’ with mutants revealing today fam?! Drop a 1-6 with your mutant and let ‘em know!

Visit https://t.co/r1UHG1zlqN to mint yours! 🧬

5 28

It's the community, the style, the roadmap, the fun!

Are u already a "DAC" holder ?



I can highly recommend!

☣️ Mutants are coming, next two weeks
🧪🐒💥👾 it's gonna be sick


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“…The X-Men maintain a clear independence given that they are not even always aligned with the American nation-state, and their territoriality is often ambiguously defined largely because as mutants they are often seen as undesirables in America.” 7/8

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👀 People ask me what projects I am looking at...

Right now.. I'm looking at M2 mutants.

What projects are you looking at?

3 39

The mutants will become fully customizable in the months ahead. 👾👾

Therefore, the team is working on an agile leaderboard that will reflect all the staking, burning and trait trading going on. 🏅🏅

Join the Discord to get to know the team and ask questions!

20 42

I go through mutants quicker than I go through underwear


3 71

Doodles Mutants and dropped to their owners’ wallets🤝

You can mint your now ❤️‍🔥 to mint 👇👇


Price: 0.03 ETH
Supply: 83/2222

28 54

Bored Ape just drained an M1 serum and turned into Mutant Ape to

There are now only 1263 mutants remaining!

Opensea: https://t.co/Eea2cjXZ8Q

2 31

i got the ape in my pfp which red merch is 160eth floor and 69 eth = 250eth for my ape,m1,m2 set

so i got a rare ape for rare ape and he bought the mutants basically

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The mutants are the next stage of evolution. Evolution depends on a mutation of genes – the genes of the offspring deviating from their progenitors. Some would call the X-gene EXCESS deviation. Those people are gonna need to be taken down a few pegs.

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GM are coming! New this weekend!! 🔥🪰

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But I ask you do one thing, cus while Mutants are crushing it, I would have NEVER gotten into NFTs had it not been for and because I loved the art soooo much of their derivatives. Here are my 4 favorite pieces I own of theirs:

2 8

Will the Spirits and Kigurumis be able to save the Zukis? 🚨🚨

Time will tell, but the Zuki Lore suggests there is an important development happening!

The Zukis need to adapt to a new life after the mutants have taken over The Golden City! They will be back! 👀👀

19 47

More With the upcoming Labors of Magik arc right around the corner, wanted to experiment with her look. I wonder how she'll emerge from this story.

Which one is your favorite?

10 49

NFT by 🔥 switching back to my pfp to celebrate the ATH’s and the crossing a historic milestone of 500k trading volume 🥳 congratulations to all apes and mutants out there 👀🦍

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