After a long debate with myself I decided to share these. My Jojo Part 5 OCs:
Stand User: Aurora Limoncelli
Stand Name: 「Space Oddity」

Idk what Space Oddity's ability should be 😐

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Youngest/Oldest OCs: There's a generic "preteen" age that's about the youngest I write that a few kids fall into. Sonia's probably my next youngest at 15. Oldest are Madir and Soronette who have that whole "old enough to have created the universe" thing going on.

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Hard-to-Write OCs: Everyone gets easier the more I work with them, but the more serious/less quirky characters go through a lot of iterations until I figure out what their deal is. (Often it involves throwing my louder characters at them until they break)

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Villain OCs:
Laura (no art) and Janet both became balehounds - working to destroy other werewolves. Janet's was a natural shift where she thought she was doing good. Jordan kind of is to OTHER people, but other Sin-Eaters consider her (relatively) normal and not villainous.

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Villain OCs: I have those! :D :D :D

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17. Oldest and Youngest OCs:

Oldest: Malva is a millenniums-old fire spirit possessing the body of a middle-aged half-giant.

Youngest: Cybele was made in a lab only a few years prior to her campaign's start.

(Art by: @/0tacoon)

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16. Tallest and Shortest OCs:

Tallest is Malvane at over 30 feet (she’s a literal giant monster so it’s no contest lol)

Shortest is Fei at 4’9” (she’s a tsuchinoko and has a significant complex about her stature)

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5)Reasons for making OCs: comics, comics and comics! Diabólicas, Nuskley!!!, Yami ga Daisuki and Newb Quest in the future!

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10. Villain OCs:

I've got a few! Though 3/4 are more "antagonists" than true villains, aha.

Ja'Nette the Succubusinesswoman (art by @/starpyrate)
Rakuko the Crabbiest Crab (art by @/gavofaolain)
Vantablack the Master Schemer
Feilong the Drake Pirate (art by @/ohsadface)

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16. Not counting OCs 14 y/o or younger but,,
Male OCs: (bc I dont have many girl OCs)
Iroha - 168 cm
Nagi - 185 cm

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17: Oldest and Youngest OCs: WOLF MA AGAIN LMAO she has the added advantage of being supernatural so at 73 she only really looks like she's in her 50's

Youngest is fluid depending on the oc bc I will age OCs up in most AUs but Emrys tends to stay in the realm of Baby a lot

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10. Villain OCs: Mordecai, who originated as a wild west murderous outlaw who then got recycled into PMA to be a villain lite, one partially (kinda. not really) redeemed warlord Ivan, and in my mind EZRA has evolved to be on the track to villainy as well and i love itt

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Thanks for the share! Here are my favourite OCs: (from left to right) O Carrasco, Yersha, the VHS thing, and Prick.

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OCs: Evelynn Arsen & Evie Shelley
-[The Ladies of The Crown]-
Users: Me &

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Redesigned ocs: Daryl, a murderer, accidentally becomes a mentor/father figure for Maia, a young assassin still in college. 🔪

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That duality game but of my ocs:

Soft Badass

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making even more ocs: Malp and Saddleback, a pair of fairies who run a farmers market

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7) Do I ship my OCs with anyone else's OCs:
Yes, of course! Here are just SOME of them:
- Terra & Windy, charas I share with my cousin
- Hikari & Lii, charas I share with my friend
- Lily & Frisk (Frisk belongs to @/Shimimori!)
- Talan (my OC) & Rai (cousin's OC)

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