Dedicated to the late Akira Tago, who taught us to keep solving. RIP, sir.

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Solving Woman’s Oldest Hygienic Problem in a New Way: A History of Period Products

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My kind of problem solving method 迷路の脱出方法w

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A fun panel to draw for this weeks upcoming comic which is about solving social anxiety via roleplaying (games)

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We hope pupils have a brilliant day using their maths problem solving skills during CSI: Maths!

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. . . With frantic gesture and short breathless cry
Folded his frame in her dissolving arms.

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Solving problems in colourful puzzler Volvox (out on Steam)

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This is getting hard! Gonna need some texture problem solving >__<

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How about something like Mission Invent - a problem solving page turner??

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'Creating a Swarm Intelligence Problem-Solving App.!!!' 💎

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Dilaroc was the pacifist king who believed in resolving issues through discussion but then the incident occurred.

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Man's heart is dissolving away as he waits for something good to happen.

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Check out my latest blog post "Solving the Empty Room Problem" on the blog.

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Hi Xiaolong! The last of new characters. A happy little dragon who loves playing & solving puzzles.

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Invite children to teach each other to use chopsticks use to inspire them

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I draw people solving their problems by sitting on them disturbingly often

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Added two pictures by James Silvani: a headshot of Ratigan and Basil solving a crime with a duck.

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