Today is a national holiday in Brazil, and also birthday of a great guy and amazing artist, !!! This is the fanart I did of his character, famous of comic. You're the best, Mattman !!!

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Se o Camilo fosse casado com a Josiane já tinha morrido

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Este 14 de noviembre se cumple un año del asesinato de Camilo Catrillanca

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César Camilo Julián Caballero - Un cuerno exagerado

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Vaya vaya vaya, pero déjenme ver a las mascotas, tu debes ser Camilo y tu Deimos y la Perla de Ninten me da tanto GUSTO

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Not a pumpkin today... but I just love triangles.

Estou desenvolvendo uma mentoria em parceria com Matheus Camilo na qual faremos acompanhamento em dupla, oferecendo suporte semiótico e técnico. Para saber mais me envie uma mensagem :D

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This is my new OC Camilo. ❤️ He's from Chile but lives in Germany and has some health issues ;v;

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The got their medals as well. Each one got a piece. Only their master got non. Yet. Maybe I will do another one just for him. 😅

Back Mary Boys here:

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From the archive 📚: Chilean illustrator Camilo Huinca’s stylised portraits of “real moments” >

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Michel Camilo - Suite Sandrine Part V / Why Not?

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Michel Camilo - Suite Sandrine Part V / Why Not?

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