Some new content from my underlings promoting my excellent mod. Fehehehehe!

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Did this quick doodle earlier for a spoil channel on the discord server i help mod. Plus a picture of pinecone who is an of of who is the boss of the server

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megane and me
mod. QUINN
(Kodak B2B color PURPLE50)

もくもくの形がかわいいmegane and meのサングラス。元々はグリーンの度なしレンズがセットされていましたが、今回、お客様のお好みのカラー、度付きレンズで作製させて頂きました!

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Thanks to for reminding me about my boy <3

A while back I made Filipino polymath: José Rizal as a Dont Starve Together character mod. It's still a work in progress and needs some tweaking, but feel free to give him a try here!:

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Been really enjoying my run through using the mod. Felt inspired to draw my character with her current gear.

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On a postive note. We revealed two significant new sprites created by our resident artist Kyoryii, that'll be featured in the mod. Including a brand new character!

Introducing Sakurai and Young Sayori!

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Art School、MONOEYSE、Crypt Cityなどで活躍するギタリスト、戸高賢史さん。本日のCrypt Cityの熱いライブを始め、様々なシチュエーションでCULT TS808 Cloning mod.をご活用いただいています。

15 95 ついに出ました次世代電動ガン「Mk18 Mod.1」!

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I drew this while idling in gmod. oops.

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一昨年の九月に大型艦建造に追加されてから、回して回して回して、やっと来てくれましたー!! 君が来るまで1st SaraはMk.Ⅱmod.2(夜間装甲空母)にしないと決めていたんだ。

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Saratoga Mk.II Mod.2!

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Messing around with that port of the SNES Wolf3D stuff to ECWolf and seeing the really low-res textures of that version reminds me of my old concepts for a Game Boy-style Wolf3D mod. It also makes me wish mapping for ECWolf wasn't such a pain with its XLAT stuff.

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This was a Bday gift for my friend. Her name is Elurah. She's a prophet from the Skyrim Enderal mod. I did it in watercolor. I need some more practice with watercolor but anyway I hope that they enjoy my gift.

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そしてMk.II Mod.2へ…

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Check out this mod. I put the d-pad from the Wii U into a Switch Pro Controller.

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Streaming for about 4 hours over at

Commissions are open! Price is case-by-case.

Deviantart: Jadersmod
Instagram: Jadersmod
♡ ♡ ♡

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初のMk.Ⅱ.mod.2٩( 'ω' )و

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[RT's are ❤️💦] The Just Yuri Store is OPEN! The last day to buy for Christmas is the 17th for domestic orders.

All proceeds go back into the Just Yuri Mod. Snag some merch and support a mod HERE:

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Saratoga Mk.Ⅱ Mod.2 ……2モード同時運用だ!!

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