Guillotined 8May1794 Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, Chemist Who Identified Oxygen.

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Windblade sketch. ink, watercolor. paper. water. oxygen.

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It's estimated that the rainforest alone is responsible for around 20% of the world’s oxygen turnover.

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floating, dancing. I do not use oxygen while I shoot and love the whole process of holding my breath…©Lola Mitchell

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Ein kleiner DebiNaut Hoffentlich hat er genug Sauerstoff mit. :D

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Antoine is most noted for his (1777) of the role that plays in combustion.

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People say we cannot live without love
I think oxygen is more important

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Quick craptastick doodle. XD Flawkuarg Just waiting for DND. Ok time to play some more Oxygen!!!!!!

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wilderness in watercolour.
The vital trees, oxygen breeze. Gracing the earth with dancing leaves.

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Even with the animation work, feels like i haven't drawn in so long! POOT!

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I've been under the sea painting with oxygen from Heineken.
With a brush and Heineken, Nothing is impossible.
(Ceiling mural coming soon.)

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Some of Earth's oxygen escapes to the moon every month -

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Team Oxygen NA take the win vs 1TrickPony in the group stage - - On to the winners bracket vs Confusion

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Team Oxygen NA will be participating in this weekends . This is our official logo for the North American team.

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そういえば!Oxygenの配布動画が 640超えてました記念です!

3 13

Five, , little to much pressure in that oxygen mask

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