Got the hair done! I really like how my process for the skin turned out!

What do you think so far?

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Tonight's warmup: WIP: challenge for on IG

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It's not going to have that background color. That's just to help me look for holes. It will look better when I get all the layers together and get to blending. But progress is being made!

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~thanks for this~

My links and commission info:

For my current book WIP:

Warning: violent themes in the writing

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Otherwise, I got a sketch here. Its a 7 year old Wizard for DnD. She's an idea, but she sounds fun ~ ! Her magic would all be based around happiness (sunshine, flowers, clouds). 💞 (WIP: I got another Easel pfp and working on the Overwatch thing for Surefour, so hec)

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Been missing work on and off from being sick. It really hurts on saving money for top surgery and living expenses in general.

Commissions, ko-fi, etc. would mean so much right now.

Current WIP:

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Another WIP:
The mesh is finally done, now to texture/rig

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Pixel Art Practice WIP: Isometric Room

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WIP: Eyes up, Guardian.

Yes, more Pokemon stuff.

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