Howdy! I'm OH̸OJ҉AKI, a little hypnotism monster with mission to brainwash the world into witnessing my silly hijinks. Beware!!!
(3D model by @/GuppyMooner!)

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G̵l̸i̴t̴c̴h̵ ̶W̷i̸t̸c̴h̶

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Made this because i'm bored

Mond: Please i know your in there laxy
L̸̀͜ax̸y̸: Y̸o̷ŭ̵̥ ̵̮͊c̸̤̔a̵n'̸̩̆ṫ̶̮ ̶̾ͅs̴̠͋a̸v̵e̴͇̓ ̵̹̋me̸̛̪ ̸̠̆õ̷͇ṙ̷̹ ̷̖͝a̵ṇ̸͝y̸̽ͅț̴̒h̶̪̏in̵g̶̼͆ ê̷̪l̴s̶̥͆e̵̝̽ ̶i̵ǹ̴͈ ̸t̵̲̎h̵i̶͔̽s̵̳̾ ̷̹͘w̸o̵r̶̦͝l̸͐d̸ ̸h̴o̶n
Tweer tweet 🐦🐦

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this is [̶C̶o̵n̵t̵e̵n̸t̷ ̵D̵e̵l̷e̶t̸e̸d̶]̷. she's with demon characters i used to crush on

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Fuck it

Art Train time
We're accepting any passengers along the way wh͜͞e͢th͏͢҉̀͘er ̨͜͏̀͝ỳ̨͜o̶ư̶͏̸̨͠ ҉̡l̛̛͟i̸͞ķ̶̛e ̴i̸t́̕͝ o̷̸͡r͟ ̵̨͟͜n̸͢͜ot̸̨

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G̶r̷e̴e̴t̵i̸n̷g̶s̴ ̶L̷i̵t̸t̴l̷e̶ ̵O̵n̴e̶.̵ ̵I̶ ̵c̵a̵n̵ ̴s̷e̵e̸ ̴y̸o̴u̸ ̶d̶o̵w̴n̵ ̵t̷h̶e̴r̴e̴.̷ ̷D̵o̷ ̶n̴o̶t̸ ̵w̶o̸r̷r̴y̸,̵ ̷y̴o̸u̵ ̵a̷r̷e̶ ̸s̶a̸f̵e̸.̴.̴.̷.̸ ̵f̷o̴r̶ ̸n̷o̶w̸
Also, this was the art I mentioned to you in your stream

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"S̵o̴r̴r̴y̶ ̴t̶o̸ ̶b̴o̷t̸h̴e̴r̵ ̵y̸o̶u̷ ̷b̴u̵t̶ ̸I̵ ̶l̸e̵a̷k̸e̷d̷ ̴y̸o̴u̴r̷ ̸a̴d̴d̵r̷e̶s̴s̵ ̵X̴D̶"

0 0

d̷e̷ o̴l̴h̸o̵s̴ ̸v̶e̷r̶m̵e̶l̵h̶o̶s̷ ̶
d̷e̷ ̴p̶e̵l̴o̵ ̷b̸r̵a̵n̴q̵u̶i̶n̴h̷o̷
e̷̪̔u̴̦͊ ̷̻̊s̵̞̀o̵̞͐ũ̴̯

0 0


6 10

w̴ᵤ̶ₕ̷ ̸ₒ̷ₕ̴!̵

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I̷'̸m̵ ̵f̸e̶e̷l̸i̵n̷g̵ ̵r̶a̷t̸h̸e̷r̸.̴.̷.̶ ̷I̵n̵t̸e̵r̶a̷c̷t̵i̵v̶e̸.̶ ̵
̷̷C̴a̷t̷c̸h̵ ̴m̷e̴ ̸l̵a̸t̷e̵r̶ ̸a̶t̷ ̸ 10pm +8 GMT ~

̶L̸e̸t̶'̵s̴ ̷h̸a̸v̸e̷ ̶a̶ ̸l̴i̶t̴t̸l̵e̸ ̷c̴h̴a̵t̶.̸

LINK below

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Y̶o̴u̴ ̶d̷o̴n̵'̷t̵ ̴n̷e̶e̶d̴ ̶t̷o̸ ̵d̴e̴d̸i̵c̶a̵t̸e̸ ̶a̴ ̷d̵a̵y̵ ̵t̷o̶ ̸b̷e̴i̷n̶g̵ ̵a̷ ̷f̶o̸o̶l̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̷y̴o̷u̷ ̴a̵r̶e̷ ̶o̴n̵e̷ ̷e̶v̵e̷r̴y̶d̸a̸y̷.̴ ̴

M̸y̶ ̶n̴a̶m̶e̵ ̶i̴s̸ ̵U̸m̸b̷r̸a̵ ̷K̸e̷i̶ ̶a̶n̷d̴ ̶I̷'̴m̷ ̷y̴o̷u̸r̸ ̷n̶i̶g̸h̴t̶m̴a̶r̶e̶ ̶f̶o̵r̵ ̴t̸o̷d̴a̴y̵.̸


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J̸o̸b̸b̸e̸r̸ 😜-
Wrestler by day, dancer by night, himbo by trade. Beat him or breed him The Bengal Brawler is here for your fantasies. Drawn by the fantastic

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C̷r̴i̸t̷i̸c̷a̷l̸ ̸s̴m̶u̷g̸

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"we’re not meant to be your g̸o̢ddam͝n ̀p͘up̢pets͞.͞”

redrew a scene from me and a tumblr friend's rp that was from a long time ago that i got inspired to doodle :)

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v̴o̷c̷e̸ ̸s̴a̶b̵i̶a̷ ̸q̶u̴e̶ c̵o̷m̶p̷r̵a̸r̷ ̵b̴a̶r̸r̴a̸ ̶d̷e̶ ̶c̶h̸o̸c̵o̴l̸a̴t̷e̴ ̷e̵ ̷m̶a̶i̸s̶ ̴b̷a̴r̸a̷t̵o̶ ̵d̷o̴ ̵q̶u̵e̶ ̴c̸o̴m̴p̸r̶a̶r̸ ̷o̷ ̵o̶v̸o̴ ̴d̸e̷ ̵p̴a̶s̶c̷o̵a̴?̶̺͙͐?̶̙͖̆͛?̵͔͇́̏?̸͙͋͑͜?̶̺͙͐?̶̙͖̆͛?̵͔͇́̏?̸͙͋͑͜?̶̺͙͐?̶̙͖̆͛?̵͔͇́̏?̸͙͋͑͜?̶͐

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.: little do they know that they can’t t̶o̵u̸c̶h̷ ̴m̸e̴ :.

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T̸h̶e̷ ̷G̶o̸d̴s̴ ̵h̴a̸v̴e̷ ̴t̸a̸k̴e̶n̶ ̵T̵h̶e̸ ̶C̴o̵r̵r̶u̴p̴t̸i̸o̸n̵ ̸ ̸

Behold! An exclusive art collection with

Airdropped to Village Holders who are also holding SOLgods. A very small and exclusive collection, just for you. More details soon

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A̴h̸, yes! I thank you for the opportunity. I am E.M.O.T. (that stands for Enormous Mass of Tentacles) a so-called "abomination" secreted away by a covert cabal. My escape? Tales of horror, whatever the medium. Come, let us suffer... together.

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W̶h̵a̴t̴ ̸i̶s̴ ̸ m̶y̵ ̷ n̴a̵m̸e̷?̷

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