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同じArchie Comic社が手掛けている作品と言う事で、ロックマンとソニックによる夢のクロスオーバーが実現!ロックマン24話・ソニユニ51話・ソニック248話・ロックマン25話では、ロックマンVSソニックが繰り広げる!その後いろいろあって協力し合うんですがねw

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Air Man!
The last one for the series and my other favorite Robot Master!
I had an idea that Air Man's eyes have the ability to detect surfaces, so he is able to see through clouds and smoke.

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Flash Man!
I have this idea where Flash Man actually has shutters built into his eyes that adjust to different levels of light. He can even see in the dark!

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Bubble Man!
The idea behind Bubble Man's eyes is that they lack a protective outer layer, but that's taken care of by the diving mask. He also has really good depth perception!

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Wood Man!
Not much to say about the idea behind his eyes. They're pretty well camouflaged though.

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Quick Man!
I don't know why, but I imagined Quick Man is the only MM2 master with less than great vision. He has tunnel-vision, but because his pupils move so fast, he can scan an entire room under a second!

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Crash Man!
1 of my 2 most favorite MM2 robot masters! I like to think Crash Man's eyes have some sort of transitional tint to them, so that his vision isn't hindered by bright explosions.

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Metal Man!
I just saw eyes like these and decided that they'd look nice on Metal Man, with his mask and metalness and all...

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Heat Man!
I like the concept of Heat Man being inside a big zippo lighter-like box because it contains all that heat!🔥 So I imagined his entire body generating tons of heat -even his giant eyeballs!

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ギャラドス、バウム(ポップン)、クイックマン(ロックマン2)、バシャーモ バシャーモはペイントで描いてた 2010

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