☘️Shiki Akito☘️志岐 慊人☘️
Big boy Shiki wants to convey his love for his mother (Although it is still a long time before Mother's Day, I just want to draw the concept of mother and child)

13 58

Shigure Akito 紫呉慊人🐕⛩️
❤️Akigure❤️High Heels❤️ハイヒール❤️

6 32


2 13

Shigure Akito 紫呉慊人🐕⛩️

8 23

Shigure:Are you just sitting and drinking coffee?Akito San.

🐕Akigure 紫呉慊人⛩️

6 18

The Fallen God Akito Part 1
慊人 倒れた神 Part 1
타락한 신 Part 1

3 18

Husband: Are you painting?
Me: Yeah(show him
Husband: Wow, no collarbone
Me: Because the fucking clothes didn't fucking take off, you fucking idiot

呉慊akigure Akito Shigure 紫呉慊人

4 31


3 12


1 11


6 19