<디파인 더 릴레이션쉽>

Ash and Karlyle 💕. Blushing Karlyle is my aesthetic joke. Just look at him 🥺.

Hope this gets serialised in eng soon!

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<디파인 더 릴레이션쉽>

Awh seems like the other alpha is flustered maybe coz he’s not used to being a bottom?? 😔 He’s cute being like this though lol

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<디파인 더 릴레이션쉽>

I find the bottom cute!! He’s like a puppy!! Haha. The kiss marks hehe 😌

ENGLISH TRANSLATION, WHEN??? 📢 I won’t stop saying it until I get it 😂 lmao

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Ashlyle from one of my favorite novel & manhwa “define the relationship”. Thanks to Flona - nim and Chada - nim for their amazing work

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[디파인 더 릴레이션십] 디티알 시즌1 후기가 업로드 되었습니다~! ↓↓↓↓

시즌2에서 만나요~🥰

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The way he blushed😭 Just look at him reminiscing. My heart is melting for this couple😚

Episode 23 Update

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[디파인 더 릴레이션십] 디티알 22화💜🌹 업로드 되었습니다~! ↓↓↓↓

437 2999

[디파인 더 릴레이션십] 디티알 21화🖌️ 업로드 되었습니다~! ↓↓↓↓

378 2290

สามี และสามีของเค้า

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Alpha x Alpha อีกล่ะ ดีย์ต่อใจ

(DTR) define the relationship


ลิขสิทธิ์ ภาษาเกาหลี Bomtoon จะมีในเวอร์ไทยของ boomtoon ไหมอ่าาาา 😭

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Playing with whipped cream - I like it. This chapter is too sweet I cannot stand it 😭😭😭. Ash and Carlyle, hurry up and get married!!! If you haven't read this masterpiece, hurry up and read it!


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[디파인 더 릴레이션십] 디티알 19화🍳❤️ 업로드 되었습니다~! ↓↓↓↓

355 2340

[디파인 더 릴레이션십] 디티알 18화🍳 업로드 되었습니다~! ↓↓↓↓

404 2578

[디파인 더 릴레이션십] 디티알 17화😘 업로드 되었습니다~! ↓↓↓↓

396 2527

[디파인 더 릴레이션십] 디티알 16화🥺❤️ 업로드 되었습니다~! ↓↓↓↓

366 2393

[디파인 더 릴레이션십] 디티알 15화🍆🔥 업로드 되었습니다~! ↓↓↓↓

482 2799

디파인 더 릴레이션십 보러가기 ^-0♡❤

104 1005