François Guillaume Ménageot.1744-1816. Male Nude. Private collection.

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◆아이도 세이야
◇가르쳐줘! 조력 선생님

▷카드 번호
No. 1743 / 1744

▷카드 등급


PERFECT 70회로 판정 강화

▷그룹 스킬
COOL 아이콘의 스코어 상승(3.5배)

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Non vi è nulla di più complesso della semplicità, lo sappiamo.

E per questo, è in un oggetto semplice come un bicchiere d'acqua che spesso notiamo il talento di un grande artista.

Qui, i bicchieri d'acqua visti da Velázquez (1623), É. Liotard (1744ca) e Chardin (1760).

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1744 nace en Gijón, Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos,escritor, jurista y político ilustrado español.

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Jane Vigor painted by Joseph Highmore, 1744 & her needlework,1730, befriended Anna, Tzarina of Russia, through Great tour with closes 7.1.18

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Dardanus, 1st performance of Rameau's 1744 version by

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Daily Painting 1744# Sushinoko - Bento
Daily Paintings Book now available:

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Jean-Marc Nattier - Scène galante, 1744.

I wish all a nice weekend! I’ll be back Wednesday afternoon. 🍃🌸🍃 Hugs!❤

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Anne Vallayer-Coster (French 1744-1818).
French Royal Academy of Painting with 26 years.
Still lifes and figurative painter.
Roses in glass

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French artist Anne Vallayer-Coster was born 1744. Read more about her works in our collections

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Mary One of England's finest Woman's Artist of the 18th Century
Founder member of the RA. Born this day in 1744

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Born 1744, Andrew Duncan, who set up the first public dispensary in Scotland and Edinburgh's first asylum

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Hibiscus and Flowering Cassia (130x31 cm)
Zhang Xin (ca. 1744–after 1817)

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1744年10月28日 ウィリム・ホッジスがロンドンに生誕。風景画家のリチャード・ウィルソンのアトリエで、劇的な風景を得意としたリチャード・ウィルソンに出会った。

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안 발라이에 코스테(1744~1818)는 마리 앙투아네뜨의 총애를 받았던 여성화가였다. 이 정물화는 불과 25세에 완성한 작품. 절묘한 음영 처리를 통한 공간성과 사실적인 표면 처리는 놀라운 솜씨다.

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Anne Vallayer-Coster (French, 1744 -1818): Study of Rose and rosebuds.

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ちびっち 蝋燭、贄、そして魔法陣。召還された悪魔・フェルに綾が命じたのは「あたしと安東くんをラブラブにして!」。しかし不十分な召還のせいで魔1744…

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