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Pérgola con naranjos (Thomas Fearnley 1802-42) Chicago Este paisajista noruego fue el principal exponente del nacionalismo romántico de su país. Pintó en Italia, Suiza, Alemania, Londres y París. Maestro del juego de sombra y luz

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Was able to mint one and it is a damn good one. Laser eyes, Donnie Hair, and a sexy flannel. Welcome to the Gutter Gang!

0 15

Another from our collection for This painting is called
Shoeing by Edwin Henry Landseer (1802–1873)

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🦎 Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, des reptiles: .
A Paris: De l'Imprimerie de F. Dufart, an X-XI [1802-1803].

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Si on avait voulu faire authentique niveau accessoire d’artiste on aurait proposé une blouse. Ou pas vraiment ce type de tablier court, puisque c’était surtout des tabliers long à poches cf cette image du Journal des Dames et des Modes, Costume Parisien, 6 novembre 1802, (An 11)

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1802 By the Law of 20 May 1802, Napoleon Bonaparte reinstates slavery in the French colonies, revoking its abolition in the French Revolution. Napoleon then sent a force to reconquer Saint-Domingue, which was defeated by Haitian forces who successfully won their freedom.

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🌲 Coloured engravings of heaths:
London: Published by the Author. Printed by T. Bensley, 1802-09 [1830?]

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219 years old painting of fort of in was painted in 1802 AD.

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“Muelle de Calais” es una pintura realizada por el pintor romántico inglés J.M.W. Turner en 1803. Basado en un evento real que experimentó en su primer viaje al extranjero. Viajó de Dover a Calais en 1802 y su barco casi se hunde por una tormenta en el mar.

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11th place is Yuki Rurikawa with 1802 votes

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Gräuelmärchen über die angebliche Gefährlichkeit von Impfungen sind so alt wie die Impfungen selbst. Das Bild ist aus dem Jahre 1802 und soll warnen vor angeblich schlimmen Nebenwirkungen der Pockenimpfung.

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Stonehenge during a Thunderstorm by Thomas Girtin (1775 - 1802)
Watercolour over indications in graphite, touched with the reed pen
(Ashmolean Museum)

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1802年5月2日 エドゥアルト・シュタインブリュックがマクデブルクに生誕。ベルリンに行き、ヴィルヘルム・ヴァッハのアトリエで働きました。宗教画を中心に礼拝堂のフレスコ画なども手掛けた。その後、子供など牧歌的な作品を描くようになった。

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Hollyhocks, tulips and hydrangeas - some popular garden flowers from the for The hydrangea specimen is the holotype for Hydrangea aspera collected in Nepal in 1802: https://t.co/IUwYHS9MGp

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【グランブルーファンタジー】【4コマ更新】『ぐらぶるっ!』第1802話「竜を喰らう者」を公開いたしました!4コマ見るにはこちら(スマホでアクセス!)⇒ https://t.co/ln8hDPcFvj

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