Saw this goin round earlier!

2016: sad college hermit livin in a broom closet

2020: started a steady new job, livin with partner of almost 10 years, still look... pretty much the same tho (hair's still long it's just in a bun most of the time lmao)

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2016: mom recently passed away, had to quit job due to a bully boss, generally just a shitty time 24/7

2020: been working fulltime in a steady job for over 2 years, just moved into new apartment with friend/roommate being on their way here to move in, good vibes

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2016: Highschooler who could barely draw if his life depended on it and thought that being a toxic prick online was cool

2020: Became a better person, started taking art seriously and made many friends who encourage me everyday to keep improving

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2016: Struggled with what to do with myself during Highschool, barely got around the internet as a small artist and got encountered with toxic friends

2020: In healthy friend groups, working hard to get there as a big artist, and juggling streaming and making content✨

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2016: Gave up my dream of pursuing an art degree just to finish college with my sanity, no spine.

2020: Wiser and happier. Starting a little family with and our new dog Rocket. Surrounded by friends who care for me as much as I do them.

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2016: Minecraft addict, unironically watches minecraft x fnaf rp videos, gets into mild trouble and has meltdown over it, has a gaming channel, Angry Birds Gaming, has plushies, cringe, wants to be a game designer, starts to descend into edgy 'dank' humour

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2016: VERY insecure, incredibly awkward and shy in general. Couldn’t be who I wanted, and was considering leaving art.

2020: More confident than before, I have found my own style and still struggling with my image, but I’m working on it. I am entering animation in uni as well!

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Tadashi Hamada redraw- same soft style, cleaner execution:
2020: 2016:

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2011: ok, take omegamon but make him evil
2016: ok, take evil omegamon but make him really into bondage

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Happy Anniversary to Megaman, which is, hands down, the most influential franchise to me as an artist.

My favs are 9, 4 and 2 BTW.

2014 Every Robot Master + Pokémon:

2016: My Magnum Opus


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lost n confused, no basic hygiene or self-respect, tryhard tomboy, best ""friends"" were constantly suicide baiting

comfortable being feminine, self-care💕, gremlin vibes, amazing friends, the no-shit-taker

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4 years ago vs now

18 years old
No ambition
Aimless and lost
Depressed and anxious

22 years old
Got a plan
Surrounded by amazing friends
Know what I want in life
Dealing with my mental problems

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2016: hetero
2017: boys are kinda cute ig
2018: in love with a boy, oops
2019: he loves me back 😳👉👈


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bandwagon time
2016: wowie i discovered relationship depression
2020: nothing fucking changed, except im gay and goth now

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2016: I didn’t care for much. I honestly didn’t think I would’ve made it through the year. I hated myself.

2020: I’m much happier with my life and me. I am very tired still, but it’s absolutely worth it. Life is one hell of a journey but I don’t regret a damn thing.

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2016: 15, boy, stupid, weeb, puffy hair but it was rlly straight

2020: 19, girl thing, weeb, always high, long thick wavy hair, REALLY stupid

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2016: I was in a rough place, I had started high school and I had nothing but my trauma from bullies and self-doubt.

2020: While I'm still a bit unsure of myself, I've found out a lot! I have amazing supportive friends, and my confidence skyrocketed!

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2016: WORST kind of edgelord, tbf i was 16, we’re all pricks when we’re 16, buuuuut i was still really bad. went through a bad breakup. also my “ew cringe” phase
2020: said “fuck it” and proudly expresses what a cringy weeb i am, also HOPEFULLY MUCH NICER THAN I WAS BACK THEN....

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2016: fresh off my science degree, one Depressed Fuck questioning the validity of my existence
2020: worse eczema and anxiety probz than ever, but living my best life and doing stuff i actually enjoy!

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