「明治に生きた“写真大尽” 鹿島清兵衛 物語」6月29日(土)ほか2日、写真展併催イベント開催!
撮影:鹿島清兵衛 鶏卵紙プリントに手彩色
桜堂蔵 ※展示作品は複製

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This is the second decorative panel ha created to celebrate summer - "Summer, from The Seasons" (1897). The figure relaxing in the shade of the sunflowers is similar to Mucha's celebrated advertising poster…

📸 https://t.co/ccW08m0Ptz via https://t.co/uulTqq8oFN

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« Le Baiser » Edvard Munch (1897) 🇩🇰

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Alfons Mucha (1860-1939) :
- Série « Quatre Saisons »
Printemps, Été, Automne, Hiver (1897)

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誕生(1783・太陽暦換算、長州藩士)、#木戸孝允 没(1877、#桂小五郎)、小説 発刊(1897)、#ジョン・ウェイン 誕生(1907、俳優)、#フォード・モデルT 生産終了(1927)、#モンキー・パンチ 誕生(1937、漫画家)、つづく

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Lake in the Swiss Mountains, by Aleksey Kondratyevich Savrasov (May 24, 1830 – October 8, 1897) https://t.co/c0fZ5xxiw5

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Spring is here! ha created three different series of decorative panels personifying each of the four seasons.

Here is "Spring, from The Seasons (1897)". Less well known than the versions of Spring Mucha…

📸 https://t.co/FpQeW0MKe1 via https://t.co/uulTqq8oFN

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The Golden Legend (1897) by Armand Point

Colour . F. Champenois, Paris.

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Orpheus in Hades (Marcel-Beronneau, 1897)

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Andrew Lang's Book of Dreams and Ghosts (1897) — Containing 78 weird happenings, from a demon strangling Devonian farmers in 1682 to a poltergeist terrorising a contemporary Chinese couple. Read it here: https://t.co/YnroEdalIf

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“Never did tombs look so ghastly white. Never did cypress, or yew, or juniper so seem the embodiment of funeral gloom. Never did tree or grass wave or rustle so ominously...”
― Bram Stoker, Dracula (1897)
Pic: Carl G Carus (1789-1869)

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''Love whispers'' by Heinrich Lossow (before 1897).

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Swiss entomologist Carl Brunner von Wattenwyl specialized in Orthoptera — grasshoppers, locusts, crickets, katydids & wetas. Explore these & other in his "Betrachtungen uber die Farbenpracht der Insekten" (1897) via : https://t.co/yUXu2yCssM

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''Race track'' by Maurice Brazil Prendergast (circa 1895-1897), at

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H.R. Miller's illustrations for The Diamond Fairy Book (1897)

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del 1925 va morir Ramon Pichot, un dels artistes amb qui més es va relacionar Santiago Rusiñol. Al tenim obres seves com aquestes:
‘Retrat de Santiago Rusiñol, caracteritzat com el Cavaller de la mà al pit dEl Greco’ (1897)
‘Bulevard de París’ (c. 1898)

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Antique books. Encyclopaedia of Butterflies (Russia, 1897)

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. shares their "pick of the highlights from January's auctions and fairs," including Elisabeth Sonrel's "Les Rameaux" (1897), on display at our MDNY exhibitor, Mireille Mosler. Learn more: https://t.co/ll3KynmXqD

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