S.O.AとのLOOPツアー2019開催決定❣️岡山、大阪、東京に行きますよー!👯‍♀️S.O.A&MECAV Presents👯‍♂️
LOOP 〜平成最後のNEOキャバレー〜

2/9 岡山KAMP

2/22 大阪MOERADO

4/7東京Time Tokyo

2 3

Guess I've been seeing this going around so why not join in on it. Hi my name is Joseph Brown, I am currently a student at Texas A&M majoring in Visualization. Favorite thing to do is draw characters and animate, hope to make a show one day.

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小林しのさん初の7インチレコード「Havfruen nat」
デンマーク語発音は「ハァフホゥン ネェッツ」みたいな感じらしい



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I know it's probably a very controversial opinion, because I know that in the a&m community, Raildex isn't considered that good as I picture it to be.
Still personally I think it was simply amazing.

But well this is me. I have weird taste

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Xenoblade2 Pyra&Mythra ホムラとヒカリ

25 87

Thank you! This is my favorite anima&manga.
"Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water"
"Mahou no Princess Minky Momo"

I also like Western animation.
"Steven Universe"

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fantasy bookmark featuring blacktea&milk aka best starter & combination for

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some lolita version buncina&morgan i didn't go with
(robin's design was based on validar btw!!

404 1023

l'éditeur se prépare à accueillir une courte série en 2 tomes signée Billy Balibally.

Il s'agira d'une romance entre deux lycéens très différents mais chacun avec un lourd passé qui les rapproche.
La sortie du tome 1 est prévue pour début mai.

2 12

Margo Chase's Dracula logo and film poster may be famous but her entire life's work is culturally significant. The exhibition "Margo Chase: Chasing the Bright Light" (March 23 through May 2, 2018) at Texas A&M, shows why. https://t.co/qiAeMFwd5L

3 21

Star Trek Discovery-Philippa&Michael

92 102

ゼノブレイド2のホムラちゃんとヒカリちゃん Pyra&Mythra

233 556

Today's update:
-Illust Xion EX Deal ~1/2:59 PT: Illust Xion EX guaranteed within 15 pulls
-Bonus Jewel CP ~12/26:59 PT
-Holiday Damage Contest
-Sora & Moogle CP ~1/10:59 PT: each Sora&Moogle owned=1000 Jewels, so don't sell them!

13 46

Sleeping Beauty +*

   Briar Rose


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