Almost done 💚👀
She's lovely. Does anyone know her name?

21 117

Seems to be plenty of mixed opinions about the new Wumpa League update but I’m hyped.😎

27 118

I don't understand what everyone's so mad about. I thought this was pretty faithful. It could be drawn better I guess.

60 289
Part 11 of Dumbell so jealous!

Pinstripe is finally facing Ripper Roo…

How things will turn for the Don?..

22 49

What a season this lad has had. Will be quite a few teams interested in him come the end of the season. Could have a big say again on Thursday against Lyon

1 23

Part 3 of Dumbell so Jealous!

Pinstripe noticed someone that will bring to him an extreme form of jealousy.

9 31