Podcast yayınına bu kez Türkçe bir bölümle devam ediyoruz. Ethem Onur Bilgiç ve Ertan Ergil’in imzasını taşıyan Batman’in Beşik macerasını Bizans tarihçisi Buket Kitapçı Bayrı ile değerlendiriyor. https://t.co/NSpERHQTxW

6 15

Pspspsps Wakey Wakey


Has references to all three maps in a way if you can figure out the pythons crypt reference I'll be impressed

2 7

In honor of Wilbur's surprise AceRace appearance, we colored an MCC throwback from 's MCC Edition!
Wilbur's Quad kill feat. the Mint Maids! by

2 18

Selon certains leaks, la saison 2 de devrait sortir en janvier 2023 !

Le staff de la S1 serait pratiquement inchangé et Masaya Fukunishi remplacerait Tatsuhisa Suzuki pour le rôle de Draken.

À prendre avec des pincettes jusqu'à confirmation officielle 🙏

4 16

In the Alpha black market, they often conduct stud fights for the entertainment of wealthy patrons who pay top dollar to witness the matches. There are few rules; matches often end with broken noses, broken bones, lacerations, and medics running into the arena to treat wounds. +

95 584

So excited to see tomorrow! I already love this little guy! 💕

33 125

Nouveaux stickers sur ma boutique !🐀🪐

New stickers available on my shop !🐀🪐


2 4

Just a small facial laceration nbd.

6 11

sketch of Loverboy, the (Homid) Ratkin Tunnel Runner. First thing she did after finding out about Ratkin society was lacerate her own face. Despite her look, she's pretty agreeable (for a ratkin); her particular madness is visions of the Rats devouring themselves, etc.

1 14

Just barely making the cut (in my timezone anyways) but now that I'm home, happy all! Featuring Tianyulong (with Pterorhynchus), Brontosaurus, Pentaceratops, and Deinocheirus (with Homalocephale), all from 2018-2019

72 453

“uomini fummo, e or siam fatti sterpi” disse Pier dalle Vigne quando Dante lacera un ramoscello su invito di Virgilio – proprio come aveva fatto Enea, che strappando un virgulto lo vide sanguinare e sentì la voce di Polidoro, figlio assassinato di Priamo

20 21

31 May 1524: d. St Camilla Battista da Varano at Camerino, Macerata, Poor Clare abbess & mystic, extensive writer
Canonized 2010

1 7

Guys sandy broke up with Wilbur and is dating ace race this is real they told me ‼️‼️

[rts are cool]

24 80

TruenoReview: Brutales 🇺🇸#TraumaticInsemination - 23 May '22. Es como si 🇷🇺#AbominablePutridity y 🇺🇸#ShortBusPileUp engendraran un hijo. Una salvaje balacera revienta cabezas. Impresionante batería, riffs demenciales con un gutural implacable y destructor! https://t.co/AdpzkWEjlm

6 50

C'est la 2e fois qu'on sera sponsor de la et nous aurons un stand sur place avec 2 invités :

- pour dédicacer l'intégrale de la S1 de Punch!
- qui dédicacera en AP le Punch! Catharsis écrit par Jonathan Garnier

C'est le WE prochain, let's go!

6 24

I was gonna keep it a secret buuuuuut

Here's mu submission for the skin contest

Lacerate Lemur

Jester woman

11 14

We r living in the Scorched turned 2 glass. What’s left of land is sand. Wind speeds SO accelerated they cause lacerations 2 skin. Our evolution was 2 the 2 bear harsh conditions. Survival means 2 hunt 4

3 10

I think there's a bit of a trend with mine, haha.

Triceratops horridus
Pentaceratops sternbergii
Nasutoceratops titusi
Cygnus olor (Mute swan)

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