День выдался и впрямь тяжёлым для всех четверых. Разборка, в которую их втянули, оказалась не просто враждой кланов, а причина была не столь банальна, как хотелось.Что-то негромко ворчит Айво, смеётся Стоун, щёлкают зажигалки и тянет дымом.

2 41

It had been a really hard day for all four of them. The clash they'd been dragged into wasn't just a clan feud, and the reason wasn't as trivial as they'd hoped. Ivo grumbles softly, Stone laughs, lighters click, and smoke puffs out.

1 38

Here’s a new drawing. ✨Happy Friday✨

from 😃✨💙

3 26

happy belated valentine's day! 💓✨ I'm late for everything AJSKSJS😭 I hope you like it, it's not much, but it's a comic that I really wanted to do <33

29 120

...И сейчас, засыпая, Кин машинально положила руку на грудь агента, слепо смотрящего в потолок спальни. Был ли он счастлив? Кин не знала. Но ночь, проведенная с ним в постели, говорила о том, что Стоун скучал.


1 35

..And now, as she drifted off to sleep, Kin automatically put her hand on the agent's chest as he stared blindly at the bedroom ceiling. Was he happy? Kin didn't know. But the night she'd spent in bed with him had told her that Stone was bored.

4 35

He made it just in time :’)

(a short stobotnik comic) [#agentstone ] 1/3

1 18

The Agent Stone pop figure is finally complete!

0 5

Сегодня мой день рождения и по традиции, ретвитните мои арты плез
Today is my birthday and by tradition, retweet my artworks pls

3 9

Watch out for the Doctor's private guard!!

23 72

The city never sleeps. This insomnia can be watched endlessly, sitting on the roof and letting smoke rings into the sky. It is mesmerizing.

7 55

Finally, I have finished my Agent Stone shimeji!! Hope you like it as much as I do!!

Here's the link to download it, and some examples of how this little boy looks!

19 75

A DTIYS challenge for @/uwu.juice_ I did on Instagram :)

2 14

✨A halloween icon of dressed as a werewolf, in the way I draw him in a Sonic-ish style ✨

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