beautiful tomorrow - AiRBLUE (beautiful tomorrow)

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Override! - AiRBLUE Bird[天童悠希(CV:鷹村彩花)、赤川千紗(CV:宮原颯希)、恵庭あいり(CV:飯塚麻結)、九条柚葉(CV:村上まなつ)] in UBiO

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MiRAGE! MiRAGE!! - AiRBLUE Moon (立花日菜, 小峯愛未, 佐藤舞, 土屋李央)

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One More Step! - AiRBLUE Flower (内山悠里菜, 稗田寧々, 守屋亨香, 緒方佑奈)

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"One More Step!" from "Knocking on My Dream!! - EP" by AiRBLUE Flower

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ミライキャンバス - AiRBLUE

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One More Step! - AiRBLUE Flower (内山悠里菜, 稗田寧々, 守屋亨香, 緒方佑奈) (CUE! 00 Limited Mini Album See you everyday)

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マイサスティナー - AiRBLUE


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最高の魔法 (Moon ver.) - AiRBLUE

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Steppin' Girl - AiRBLUE Wind[夜峰美晴(CV:安齋由香里)、神室絢(CV:松田彩希)、宮路まほろ(CV:山口愛)、日名倉莉子(CV:鶴野有紗)]

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マイサスティナー / AiRBLUE from Talk about everything

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beautiful tomorrow - AiRBLUE

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② Reach For The World! - AiRBLUE Moon [丸山利恵(CV:立花日菜)、宇津木聡里(CV:小峯愛未)、明神凛音(CV:佐藤舞)、遠見鳴(CV:土屋李央)])

作曲:本多友紀(Arte Refact)
編曲:本多友紀(Arte Refact)


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ミライキャンバス - AiRBLUE

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"Radio is a Friend!" - AiRBLUE byHige Driver from Talk about everything

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MiRAGE! MiRAGE!! - AiRBLUE Moon[丸山利恵(CV:立花日菜)、宇津木聡里(CV:小峯愛未)、明神凛音(CV:佐藤舞)、遠見鳴(CV:土屋李央)]

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Kirika Yura (CV: Hiromi Igarashi)
Birthday: January 17 (Capricorn)
Age: 34

the lesson coach of AiRBLUE, who is often strict but out of love for the seiyuu she is guiding. has known Masaki for a very long time and supports her dreams.

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Rio Izusa (CV: Aya Suzaki)
Birthday: May 4 (Taurus)
Age: ???

senior manager of AiRBLUE. a friendly older-sister like figure to the seiyuu, who is also in charge of negotiations and managing their schedules. is not always taken seriously

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