Well, I don't wanna keep this no-draw-all-study streak going, but for now here's another older piece! My characters Amal and Maxwell like to get it on sometimes~


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Hi and I commissioned Fehr and Sveta from at SJ and we are completely floored - thank you SO much for drawing our dorks in love, we couldn’t be happier! (Also go read TJ and Amal thanks)

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Amal sentiasa, insyaAllah tak lupa😁

Karya: Paeh Design

Berminat untuk beli komik-komik dakwah dan islamik? Klik saja link di bawah:

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Here is a preview of one of the stunning digital prints which will be part of emerging British Sudanese artist Rayan Elnayal’s first solo exhibition: A Magic Realist Afrabia (5th September – 21st September).

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Eid mubarak to all my mutual ❤

Lots of love, amal :)

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Selamat Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1440 H.

Semoga keberkahan selalu menyertai, dan semoga amal kebaikan kita semua diterima oleh-Nya.

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Menjelang hari raya, berakhirnya puasa..
Bergema lagu raya menyambut syawal tiba..
Yakinkan kita amal kita sepanjang ramadan ini sudah diterima?
Masih berkesempatan manfaatkan ramadan ini, sempatkah kita untuk hidup sampai raya lusa?


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Bila sampai 10 malam yang terakhir, maka perbanyakkanlah amal & permintaan, terutamanya doa yang bermaksud :

" Ya Allah, sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pemaaf, Engkau suka memaafkan, maka maafkanlah kami"


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"... Sekiranya mahu turun dari rumah memulakan perjalanan kita pasti akan sediakan sedikit bekal makan atau duit.Begitulah juga jika kita ingin berjalan DI AKHIRAT tempat yg tak pernah kita sampai, perlulah ada bekalan utk perjalanan itu...

...Bekalan itu ialah AMAL YANG SOLEH."

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Here something, here name is Amal.

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It doesn't seem I will be able to upload for a while, so here's another older pic. This time another animation with Amal doing the rave dance from Samurai Jack (I dont do these often due to time constraints, so don't expect much more ;_; )

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Endlich sind wieder Bücher der bei uns zu haben, zunächst mal die Serien „Tango”, „Outwards“ und „The less than epic adventures of TJ and Amal“. Viel Spaß damit!

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The evil (but innocent) FP 97 is underway with his mission to convert males, and heroes into drones! Can Joe fight off this take over and save Amal?!


Drone Design -

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So this is a thing apparently. Amal is blue velvet cake of course~
The little black dot is my soul ._.

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So where was Amal when Maxwell was being visited by a rubber dragon drone? Why being distracted by the dragon's partner in crime, B01!
One more to go guys! Check out Hyper's as it claims another victim for 's Mr Rubber Buns!

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One of my absolute favorite pieces. I was amazed by Breath of the Wild from just about every angle, I had to give my hand at throwing my wolfox fursona Amal into some Hyrule Fashion!

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Berhati2! Walaupun kita bersendirian, hakikatnya tak ada satu waktu pun yg kita bersendirian. Setiap masa berteman, setiap masa diperhatikan.

"Wahai manusia, ingatlah ketika dua malaikat yg ditugaskan mencatat amal setiap manusia yang bertemu..." (Qaaf : 17-18)

Karya: Bitbit

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Commission for !!! Their bbies Amal and Gabriel!! they both have big cutie energy and i respect th em❤️

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Hi David! A couple of excellent new books I’ve read this year (and shared with students) are The Serpent’s Secret and Amal Unbound.

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Nuestra recomendación de hoy, es un cómic 📚: GAZA AMAL, Historietas de mujeres valientes en la franja de Gaza.


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