New photo mark up features with the iOS update! Going to play around more with the next set of challenges!

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A5 currently writing my iPadOS teacher guide with some information on the key areas that I think everyone will find useful. Now that the release is a little later than I thought (by 2w) I can breathe a little easier

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Can I suggest the simple menu change being a great help. Seeing the options like this breaks them apart. simple but very effective

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In just over 7 days we will know when is being released. I’m guessing the 16th so have been working hard today on a user guide for teachers. Have had this in the works since June. Not a review but a compliment to

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Here’s another that’s just made using the shapes and animations on Keynote

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I’m loving the ability to create vector style graphics using the shapes/custom shapes option in Might take a while longer and require some thought, but there are massive in class potential for pupils. Creating realistic covers for book reviews etc

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With the new school year quickly approaching, I’m going to launch season 3 of podcast. I’d like the and communities to help. Much like the chats, if you have a topic you’d like to discuss, let me know. Interested?

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Using to create Glyphs that can be included in an app Tab Bar Controller, looking forward to developing this further in the classroom

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I doodled some clouds. I wanna do it more simply.

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Playing with Keynote animation to make a simple twinkly scene from tonight's walk around Brooklyn Bridge Park. The Wipe build worked well for the lights coming on! Thanks for the inspiration

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Project underway, looking to build community and develop passions. Book and Podcast coming soon

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Following my at help me


By completeing this short 2 question survey!

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Soo late to the party with !! Everything I’ve been waiting for with on the iPad which hasn’t come.

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The ability to create 3D text is now A LOT easier to create using the new updates to iWork. Adding a new dimension to pupil creativity. Plus, lets be honest - it looks cool...

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A Dynamic Conference you can attend from anywhere with an internet connection...for FREE. July 31st-August 2nd. Amazing presenters. Diverse Session Topics. Did we mention it was free?

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The ability to create my own vector shapes in has allowed me to transform resources

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