Pound -- Boccioni -- Dix -- Malevich

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Les temps nouveaux, de Seurat à Matisse https://t.co/p1Dd535Z3r
L’exposition des Futuristes italiens à Paris en 1912
Luigi Russolo, La Révolte. Umberto Boccioni, Le Rire. Carlo Carra, Les Funérailles de l’anarchiste Galli

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Boccioni. Le rire. 1911. MOMA. NY.

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Umberto Boccioni, "Modern idol", 1911

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Il bevitore (Umberto Boccioni, 1914).

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ZBrushCentral member Anders Rådén shares his journey to recreate Boccioni’s lost sculptures with using archived photographs as reference! A fascinating read: https://t.co/P3ANukueyU

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Estados da Alma III – Aqueles que Permanecem.Umberto Boccioni.1911

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A Date to Remember:
Umberto Boccioni (born October 19, 1882)

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Palazzeschi, in uno dei suoi bozzetti parigini, ricorda le discussioni talora burrascose ma sempre amichevoli, avute con il pittore Umberto Boccioni, trascorrendo nottate intere a parlare di arte...

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Spiral Construction
Umberto Boccioni 1882-1916 Italian Artist

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Swipe right to see some pictures from the private view of Umberto Boccioni: Recreating the Lost Sculptures.

Thanks to for supporting the evening!

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Horizontal Volumes
Umberto Boccioni, 1912

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