Katies and I were in this battlefield that we against up each other like a badass bish

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Here the difference between the forms of Boundcrushers incase if anyone haven't seen his first appearance (Im curious does anyone like this idea?)

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Some fun doodle I did (Axecaler really shouldn't mess with her again since she already had enough of it lol)

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This is what happen if a enemy interrupted the Maxso forms transformation

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The burning heart Dino Bunnkie (Which of the 3 Dino Bunnkie are your favorite?)

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Kerbers being culture man while he don't keep a fuck about spirel being horny (a Doodle came from my mind while I can't sleep-)

1 11

She will slices u in half and the one will probably too nervous to let u get close to her- (Treese first character sheet reveals and new leaf type shy bunnkie characters)

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The last moment Kiko knew before disaster start to happen- (a small peak of one of the giant Villains from the series-)

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Since I restyle Karbers I might aswell give him comraders he's name is Clawers and he be Karbers assistants.

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I randomly doodle four characters and some of them are redesigned and other are brand new they will be included in Legend of vine destinys and chaos knight storyline

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New Dino character and he's Rexsy old brother and he's Canon to main storyline and Is a fly type bunnkie for the first time- (cough) (Thundclouder can fly aswell using his clouds and I can fly using solarium burst-)

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Kiko and Skieblade both had angry killer eye whenever seeing their friends got hurt or making them mad

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The two clan bunnkie warriors father's will do everything to protect their future children and bring peace. (I finally improve the muscle part is been two years! FUC-)

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Randomly Drew some old idea and concept I did way back and I should drew Treese more tbh because I don't draw her alot for a year well only a few but she's also second first female character way back in 2020 along with Sina

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