"Sometimes you're the catch. Sometimes you're the bait." - Nami 🧜‍♀️🌌🌀

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El orden del día (1/2)

-Empezamos con esta viñeta con un cafe de para hacer clickbait.

-Mas coñas a la con Blancanieves (que ayer no se pudo subir).

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feitian said look at this artbait. and i got baited..... now reading 江东双璧 aka Twin Jades of Jiangdong (aka twin walls/twin d--)

25 101

3. Bait. Especial hincapié en Teemo <3 / 4. Freeze

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(Welcoming “Shark” Bait. The Nurse Shark demon who died when she was surfing only to get eaten by a shark.)

2 9

Here cous... use this. This is like standard Levi clickbait. 😂😂😂

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‘You will need plenty of tea, for bait. Once the bait has been taken you may stealthily try to capture the target. If he escapes, you must now trust no one. He could be anyone: animal, friend, the face you see when you look in the mirror.’

-HCHeadCanon on tumblr

(see reply)

2 15

January vs. August

AKA: I will make anything furry bait.

71 439

Youngest daughter. Sweetest tart. Bully bait. Kelly needs some protec'ing, so show her love!😊

4 20

friend found some outfits for pro and vil and i immediately took the bait...

32 170

Longing Tiger. My god. My fucking. God. Prime FH bait. Every seer main has this outfit because its just so fucking cute. Hes just kitty. He's literally just a kitty who hates garlic sir. I am not furry but for tiger Eli? I will become one. He deserves it

0 1

When goes skating. art done by

Alternate titles include: Thst time Benny was chased by a frog, Bee girl stubs her toe and Benny the bait. “WAIT NO! CAGES DON’T MAKE A CRACKING NOISE!! FRACK!!”

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Ive made a hollow knight character on the generator, and never got the chance to put her in play. So here she is her name is BAIT. Also draw this in your style! I love to see what y’all can come up with 👌🏾😤👌🏾.

25 165

Scott and the Wrestling Promoter.

Pages 20-22

As predicted, Kevin takes the bait. The greedy wrestling promoter succeeds in luring Kevin into a long-awaited match with wrestling superstar Thunder Thug.

14 66

Estaba haciendo un guión para un vídeo sobre como la viralización de algunos youtubers suele ser pasajera... hasta que me di cuenta que estoy usando los mismos argumentos que usé en mi vídeo de el clickbait.

Y me quedé así...
(aún no sé dibujar bien del todo, sorry)

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It’s bait. Just save those quartz✨💢💢

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