Sugar Belle: *giggles* Enjoy being in the hay, girls. We're going to visit Applejack, we'll see you all again soon.

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Sweetie Belle: Oh goodie, we're going to be in mounds of hay again. *Giggles*

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Sweetie Belle: It's so good to see you both.

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Sugar Belle: We'll gather as much as you can carry, Big Mac. :)

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Sugar Belle: Yeah, let's do it. ^^

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Sugar Belle: I'm sure they'll love it if we do it again. XD

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Sugar Belle: I sure did. Say, Big Mac, do remember when we buried the CMC statues in bales of hay last year? XD

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*The CMC are hanging out in their clubhouse. They can't help but think about their Sanctuary of Harmony counterparts as they looked at a photo of their petrified selves*

Sweetie Belle: I can't help but look at this, we all look so pretty.

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Sweetie Belle: Actually, Princess Celestia came up with something different for what year it is. It's called S.H, which is an abbreviation for Sanctuary of Harmony. So, it's currently 3 S.H, and that's how long we've been stone statues.

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Sweetie Belle: She lives in a cabin that's behind us. You can see her there.

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Sweetie Belle: Anywhere in the Sanctuary of Harmony would do. This place is a part of the Sanctuary itself.

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Sweetie Belle: I wish you good luck, Sally.

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Sweetie Belle: We're glad you are enjoying your visit.

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Sweetie Belle: We are all enjoying ourselves. *Giggles* I think Big Macintosh has a lot of fun with us.

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Sweetie Belle: *giggles* I remember when Apple Bloom got buried in a pile of apples by Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom just couldn't stop laughing.

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Sweetie Belle: We are just as peaceful as ever. Being a stone statue feels more and more amazing as time goes on.

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Sweetie Belle: Yep. It's pretty cool.

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Sweetie Belle: We understand. You can still visit us whenever you are available.

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Sweetie Belle: *giggles* No, this isn't the Floof. This is actually a part of the Everfree Forest, it's a large clearing that's made to look like a large field.

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Sweetie Belle: Thanks. We're also glad you came to visit us. We're in a place known as the Fields of Innocence.

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