제 아이들입니다...
3번 루우님 DA 4번 CO2님 DA
첫번째는 제 기억상 77번 마계의 주인.. 이었을걸요....
나머지는 설정 없을 무

1 14

CO2ign Art is an entirely new idea to help support artists and the earth at the same time! Every purchase funds carbon credits while also supporting the digital artist. Learn more about how we save energy by not using blockchain: https://t.co/eeZL4JDsUA

1 2

Check out this account on OpenSea https://t.co/jeZktKzkKe
openseaNFT collection▼
「HIROSHI NOMA」and「1co2c」

NFT gifts are being given to those who support us.
There are still NFT gifts.

3 13

🔵opensea new collection『1co2c』

Consists of 12 zodiac illustrations.
Check it out as a special one may be added.
The name 1co2c comes from iconic and we hope it will be your symbol.
Look for your 1co2c.

Currently No.1 and No.2 are listed.


5 13

Visit our Project
10.000 unique Foxes who live on the ETH blockchain. Our Goal 1 NFT = 1 TREE
10k NFTs = 10k Neutralization of 220.000 Kg CO2 per year! We have many Giveaways
on twitter

1 3

We are Aiming to Attract Environmental Activists or People Mindful about their CO2 Footprint | Founder’s Interview 😎

🤑Earn 15% of minting fees

Check it out 👉 https://t.co/9xvtmDZhd7

1 3


177 628

We emit 51 billion tonnes of CO2 per year from 5 activities.

16% transport (cars are 1/2 of this)

31% making things (cement is 1/3 of this)

27% electrical generation. (64% via fossil fuels.)

19% growing things

7% warm & cool

Our challenge is to reduce this beyond Zero!

32 60

그리고 얘는 동구입니다
이름만 봐도 아시겠지만 제 구 오너캐였어요...
서현이 만들면서 부오너로 밀림

(CO2짐 쨔슈님 누찌님 cm)

1 17

MerryX'mas 🍰🎄🎁

4 8

with CO2


5 10


1 4

Flame Zapper Kotsujin // CO2-Pro // PC-98 //

26 128

NASA-supported Study Confirms Importance of Southern Ocean in Absorbing CO2
Research shows the Southern Ocean (the continuous body of salt water around Antarctica) absorbs much more carbon from the atmosphere than it releases

19 23

/coco199X(@ CO2_lotus)'s sona vol.2
They are self-proclaimed "the Evil mechanics",created during the war and are general staff robots who love to design weapons and equipment.
(The setting is written in the reply)

4 21

Very excited to share our new study out in today, reporting increasing global photosynthesis due to CO2 fertilization https://t.co/BEJKQT70fJ 1/7

437 1505