Day 14 - Dresses

Even though dresses aren't Beau's thing, she'll wear one for Jester. Totally not because she maybe likes her or anything.

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Gotta play catchup on so a sneaky little relaxing doodle of Jester for today’s prompt of
Just a leetle bloo teifling, you know, wearing a little cute dress!

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Took a break but I'm back with some catchup! day 13 -
and it's a little different take, but I've wanted to draw the spookiest environment this campaign for forever, the Weeping Angel's chamber 👻

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Inktober catchup continues! Here’s day 8 and 9!
“Friends”- I love the friendship that’s grown between Cad and Fjord :)
“Favorite arc”- love ‘em all but this current one is keeping me on my toes!

4 15

CRinktober catch up day! Starting off with day 5, 6, and 7:
“Drinks”- Grog loves his ale
“Lights”- Fwoomp! Caleb’s globules
“Favorite Spell”- DEFINITELY Jester’s sending spell :)

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Day 13 - Environment

There was definitely not a dull moment in this episode with the Laughing Hand stalking the forest.

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Environment: Feywild
I'm definitely not used to landscapes.

4 13

Colored kid-duceus with his beetle buddy!!
Might have turned the beetle into a firefly....hmmmm....

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Day 12: Pride
I've had this idea since the 1st, tho it has gone through a few variations

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Day 11 - Shopping

When you don’t like shopping but will help your wizard friend hoard paper and ink.

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Day7 - favourite spell (Message), Day8 - friends (HoneyHeist), Day9 - favourite arc (Briarwoods), Day10 - weapon (Hexblade)

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Maybe not an arc, so much as the pivotal moment where everything was turned on it’s head.

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Day 8 - Friends

Jester's such a sweetheart. She can make friends with anybody, even sad wizards.

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Caught up with with a drow that I hope is a friend and the spell that has resulted in some memorable moments.

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