Neither of them have been introduced but
Daniel and Winter and I hope people love them as much as I do

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A5) It's close, but Sora has my heart 🥰 he has so many layers that I enjoy diving into. Portraying the his mental illness, the effects of the "demon" in him & his outward persona is tricky balancing act.

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A5: Probably Styles (on the right). Although Cassy comes close

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If a "voice" means their own viewpoint (and not literal voice), then yes. My earlier point was a good character is used by the author to make a point - or rather, to express some point or viewpoint. Having a distinctly expressed worldview is crucial to this.

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I go by Alav and I'm creating a sci-fi/thriller webcomic on webtoons,

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I’m a cartoon cat known for making FELIS on Webtoons


A mystery action thriller with cats in the 1920s? What’s not to love <3

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(Made this for a contest that never saw the light of day.) webcomic artists quote and post a panel you’re very proud of that you’ve drawn

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Thanks for the opportunity

I make a fantasy adventure webcomic called Serenade Song, about a cursed witch(Cassandra) and her adventurer girlfriend's(Raelynn) journey to undo the curse. 5 complete chapters, with the 6th in production!

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We make Apokelipsis, a story of a new member of the Ranger Corps, in a world where Pokémon didn't even exist 40 years ago.
You can read us at, and we upload each Monday. For now, you can read it in Spanish, and soon in English.

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