all of my friends have the coolest ocs and i make a complete buffoon, a friend-shaped fool who betrayed house cruller not out of malice but out of misunderstanding. he is a bungeo-ppang/taiyaki knight who is simply trying his best

102 721

Working on fan-made title sequence for the DnD play show,

I've been a huge fan the group from the beginning. Here's hoping I can actually finish this thing...

2 35

Much of their courtship is spent in calm and quiet moments, not that either of them mind. 🍃

140 872

/// acoc spoilers Did a palette colour challenge with Lapin, in his iconic momentary return.

42 149

I have been saying all along that my Sir Theo has luscious hair 🐻

12 100

Introducing Johanna, my ACOCsona, she a mix of Berry and Cream. Her father is a Fructeran merchant who married a tailor from the Dairy Isles.

19 229

I just think that Cal... likes to twist the knife whenever he can!

109 559

I simply had to draw my favorite duchess and absolute sweetheart, Primsy!

32 372

look I have said it and I will say it again, the hot hounds have done nothing wrong and don’t deserve the treatment they’ve been receiving by bad man

0 7

I finally drew my OC!!! She's existed since episode 4-5 but I somehow haven't drawn her and she's a oath of the crown paladin!!!

1 14

What is your opinion of the woman who now wears the crown of Candia on her head?

12 73

Can’t believe it’s already the finale of A Crown Of Candy, this show was been a delight (& emotional roller coaster) through these dark pandemic days. There’s many more characters I’d like to paint if I can make the time, but here’s a few I did!

37 344

"i think she's looking for the boat that her mom is gonna come back and pick her back up [in], 'cause she's going to have realized it was a mistake to have abandoned her" // "nobody in all of calorum will ever be able to hurt you again"

20 87

finale tonight!! Will I catch it ?? Only time will tell. Drew the sweetest twins 🍭

121 699

blood tw // iscariot, you fool

42 176

Belizabeth having her full count frollo moment

155 843

ok but if Jawbone exists in then i suggest: Pizza Rat but a pizza rat

14 71