Deviljho: Has he really found a way to surpass an ascended saiyan?! Is that even possible?
Kulu-ya-ku: He must be bluffing! I mean what'd that make him, double-ascended?

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deviljho is my favorite. I just love the disparity between plush and monster

honestly the sense of humor about MH is what drew me to the franchise in the first place, I only picked it up once I knew it was just kinda bombastic on the whole

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Warm up Sketch: Deviljho (1 hr)

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so ive started playing starfinder (sci-fi pathfinder} with my friends and this is my half-orc character i made for it

he is pissed off all the time and prefers to put himself in danger than play it safe

and his name is Jho! like deviljho, which his appearance is based on

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Covering Savage Deviljho's hide is the blood of creatures it has previously preyed upon, causing its body to take on a blackened appearance. Some of the blood that adorns it is dry (Past prey), while the rest of it is still fresh (Recent prey).

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This rare variant of Deviljho was able to overcome all of its competition, allowing it to continue to eat freely without much trouble from other predators. It faced off against those enemies and won the battle for survival, turning all the predators it faced in battle into prey.

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Name: Savage Deviljho (怒り喰らうイビルジョー)
Length: 2048.9cm (3rd)/2046.8cm (4th)
Height: 629.4cm (3rd)/630.6cm (4th)
FM: 137.5cm (3rd)/153cm (4th)

Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Theropoda
Infraorder: Unknown
Superfamily: Violent Wyvern
Family: Devil

Habitats: Yes

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It's rumored that Deviljho's scales cause misfortune to those that own one. A Deviljho's hide is oddly slimy and difficult to forge with, while its hooked talon can seriously injure the most experienced craftsman.

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Also, while enraged, Deviljho is capable of breathing an unknown substance from its mouth. This substance contains the dragon element, but it is unclear how it can harness and use it. Researchers are currently studying this substance.

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Deviljho has powerful jaws and teeth used for crushing the shell of large monsters. It even has teeth on its chin for the same purpose, but it can also dig its chin into the ground and toss rocks at foes from a distance.

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Its appetite is legendary because it can make all nearby creatures in an area go extinct from its need to feed if left unchecked. Deviljho is completely carnivorous and will prey upon just about any other monsters it can get its jaws on, from small herbivores to large predators.

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Despite rarely being seen in the wild, Deviljho has been seen living in just about every major biome in the world. Deviljho has been reported wandering in forests, marshlands, deserts, tundras, and even volcanoes.

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I love Xenojiiva's armor <3
I put in the DevilJho sword cause I like the angelic contrast with the nightmare sword.

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My flying deviljho from 2020 was a failure artwork, so I did it again in 2021

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this was going to just be a stand alone deviljho but then I was like, fuck it I'm going the full mile and adding a background

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01. Deviljho

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J'ai pas pu m'en empêcher, vala le cornichon maléfique

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Beau prétexte ce challenge pour se lancer dans le dessin de "monstres". On commence avec du coriace pour le jour 1 : Deviljho Carnage (quel plaisir de se faire OS quand il pop de nulle part, vraiment).

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