Hello and thank you so much for your message. I’m so glad you are enjoying your calendar. I’ve been painting more Dorset scenes lately and am already thinking about next year’s calendar!
Here’s my latest painting featuring the Cobb - looking forward to summer!

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Found a 17th century Dorset map held within the online catalog, could not resist embedding the image into the library finding aid. https://t.co/ZX6k49Uyc9

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'Icy puddles' 30x20cm ink, watercolour and charcoal……From a skiddy walk up the lane last week on a beautiful frozen morning


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“Di rado aprivo la porta nelle sere invernali senza udirlo: 'Hu, hu, hu, huru, hu', suonava profondo, con le prime tre sillabe accentate un po' simili ad ‘hao-der-du'(come state), e talvolta ‘hu-hu’ soltanto”.

Owl in Blue by Kenojuak Ashevak, 1991
©Dorset Fine Arts

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Thinking of summer during these miserable times - ‘Over to Golden Cap and Seatown’ acrylic on 50x40cm canvas.
See more at https://t.co/K68raQa4Yu

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From beautiful Dorset! .... 'Crab it While You Can!' by artist Doreen Hollywood from Poole.

Thank you Doreen for this gorgeous watercolour for our art fundraiser for in Cheltenham.

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