I like to imagine that if Tamlen and my Warden had never found the corrupted Eluvian, they would've lived a happy life together. Breaks my heart that they never got that chance. 💔

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Sketching and vibing, vibing and sketching

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congrats to for winning my art giveaway! here’s his warden, Otta Surana❣️ i had such a good time drawing them (i always do, when i’m drawing elves)

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Okaaaaay second to last for is done. I'm goin thru this mad slow coz i keep getting sick :P

2 11

I don't know why I am so obsessed with this Origin and this unlucky elf

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it’s home where you hold me / so show me no mercy

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My Cousland over the years. Long hair is pre-origins, sad one is during the blight, the slightly pissed off one is him during Awakening, and the colored one is him after Trespasser. Oh yeah and his name is the preset name, Aedan.

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