We've updated our collection about Trump catching corona: https://t.co/Bcivb1V2ji

This cartoon by Miguel Morales Madrigal is a good explanation why so many cartoonists felt the need to do a cartoon about this.

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As you mights expect, our cartoonists are having a field day with the news of Trump's infection. Check out the collection so far:

Cartoon by Ant.

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Carbon emissions of richest 1 percent are more than double the emissions of the poorest half of humanity. Today's cartoon by : https://t.co/wAePULlsWJ

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We are happy to welcome Ismael Hammad, a cartoonist from Jordan who has worked for various Jordanian newspapers since 1995: https://t.co/xICYaIeDj0

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Happy birthday Tony Husband! (b.1950)
Yobs: ‘Right, the weekend starts here.’
Private Eye
Pen & ink & colour

Please donate: https://t.co/dG4sAHSFck

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Hurricanes and wildfires, extreme weather in the US. Today’s cartoon by Richard Codor: https://t.co/b2K14mjdHb

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Happy birthday Annie Tempest! (b.1959)
The Female Character: The ability to see facts from which ever angle suits them best.
Pen, ink & watercolour

Please donate: https://t.co/dG4sAHSFck

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The poisoning of Alexei Navalny. Cartoon collection: https://t.co/9QRtPqN1oL

Cartoon by Niels Bo Bojesen.

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